The light

Une minute de lecture

There once was a knight fighting demons in the dark. The never ending battle had been taking place for more than 20 years when knight Lazuli Kyuden heard of such confrontation. He was not the first one willing to assist but the poor souls that had tried before couldn't see the demons and ended up wounded by the hand of the fighting knight.

Knight Lazuli Kyuden was different though, for instead of drawing his sword into darkness, he lit a torch whose fire was so magnificent, it pushed the demons a few feet away. The glance at their faces made the battle much more frightening for the fighting knight, but it also made it easier for she knew what to look for and where. During the months the fight lasted, Knight Lazuli Kyuden cared for the torch fire with caution and kept doing so even after the fighting knight finally managed to slay the last demon. Legend says the torch never went out, if anything, its flame went brighter and stronger despite the new fights to be fought, for both knights were nurturing and looking after it with great care.



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