5.3 The achievement

2 minutes de lecture

The moon robot was not an android by far, so it could not express any emotions at all. It opted for spelling it out. 'Please consider that I am smiling with confidence, love and pride.'

'You wouldn't know any of those concepts,' replied Eve drily. She looked throughout the window to stare at the landscape that was finally visible through the thick and dark clouds.

'I am here to help you out, not to kill you. Otherwise, Cerberus would have done it long before.'

'But you did shoot at us,' exclaimed Adam.

'Technically, we aimed at aliens invaders. And that was a long time ago. Time is nothing, life is everything. You're alive and you should help us to keep the Earth alive as well.'

'Is it that bad? Has the apocalypse occurred as we feared? Or is it a slow death?'

'It seems we've done a mess of the solar system as a whole. You are a couple of trained and experienced settlers. I'm sure you'll do better than us.'

'Do you expect us to recreate a human settlement on back on Earth?'

'That would be circling the circle wouldn't it?'

'Indeed, the Earth is the last place where I would I have imagined to settle down,' agreed Eve.

'But no, we don't want you to start again with a human colony with the risk of having it destroying what's left of the Earth. You know, the humans have left completely the solar system, partly for fear of the aliens and partly out of shame.'

Adam anticipated, 'They've raised the post-dogs and delegated to them the responsibility of Mars.'

'Correct. And The Cerberus will soon do the same thing. The difference is that we will let you raise the next species that will conquer the world, so to say.'

'A species on Earth and another on Mars? That's an obvious risk of war,' worried Eve.

'Yes, it is a possibility. But whoever won this war and whatever the means, those survivors will be prepared to face a really aliens race when it comes. Survival of the fittest.'

'That's awful. You cannot wish that.'

'Oh, we don't. In fact, as I said before, we're quite confident. You survived contact with the aliens. Your wisdom will enlighten the future generations, we are quite certain.'

'And what about the Cerberus?'

'We failed many times. We should be allowed to disappear.'

'Darwin's law on evolution applied to yourself?'

'Don't pity us. We don't. No robot has real feeling anyway.'

'That's it then; we're gonna take over. But what happens now?'

'We're approaching your designated landsite on the continent called Australia.'

'Oh, my grandfather was born there, jumped Eve. He said that was a dry land unfit for hosting life, and yet full of it.'

'Exactly, it was the least disturbed place on Earth, but now it is wetter. You'll see that in a second; we have landed.'

'Have we?'

'Yes. Please that way to the exit onto the concrete world.'

They followed the robot, stepped down the ladder to the slightly inclined platform leading to the ground.

The soil was red like the one on Mars. They were on some kind of rocky red hill, surrounded by a wild green forest as far as they could see. Adam and Eve walked up the limit of the platform. They sensed into each other eyes that they needed to share this very special moment.

They hold hands, closed their eyes, inspired deeply and made the single step they had dreamt of, so often, for so long.



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