Simple things

Une minute de lecture

What is wrong with me ?
l asked.
Why does it hurt, why can't I fit ?
I asked.

They smile gently at me
They told me it was ok
"Take some vitamin and go see the sun" ;
Make some friends and wait to grow up.

And I did and they waited
But the questions remained

What is wrong with me ?
It's getting worse
What is wrong with me ?
I can't go on this way.

They smiled again, they were nice
They did some test but everything was right
So they said again "take some meds
It's in your head and we can fix it."

What is wrong with me ?
It worked for a few months
What is wrong with me ?
I'm still overwhelmed, I'm still sick

They may seem concerned now
But is it still time ?
10 years of fighting and no result
It's not mental, it's not physical

I know what's wrong with me
And it's not sadness
I know what's wrong with me
And it's not sickness

I know what's wrong with us
It's just life
It's this simple burden
We all live with



Ce chapitre compte 1 versions.

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